Companies today compete globally and must optimize their local value to remain competitive. We help you evaluate your business costs holistically, including rent and operations budgets, to transportation needs, build-out and staffing needs. When we ensure our clients knowledge of their business is combined with our experience we can capitalize on all the right real estate options.

That gives our clients the edge.

With our knowledge of 100’s of current market deals, our forecasting experience, and cost and time saving skills, we make you an expertLeverage the right options to secure the most advantageous deal for you.

Terms and conditions with wooden penRenewal

Our involvement and reputation in the marketplace generates a competition for your tenancy and sets the stage for your landlord to offer more favourable terms. Our involvement saves businesses money on renewal rates and speeds up the process.

Closeup of a New Location pin flag on a mapRelocation/New Location

With knowledge of 100’s of current market deals, our forecasting experience, cost and time saving skills, we make you expert at choosing the right opportunities where we can leverage your options to secure the most advantageous deal for you.

Ways We Help

Inquire About our Tenant Services

If you would like more information about our Tenant Services and how we can advise and represent your company during your next renewal or relocation, contact us using the form or call us at 780 436 7410 extension 314.

Tenant Services Inquiry Form

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